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What do Developers do during PBR?

Negotiate with stakeholders

Approve the final product

Estimate, size, seek clarification, split, and identify risky items

During Product Backlog Refinement (PBR), Developers engage in a variety of activities that are crucial for preparing backlog items for future Sprint planning. This includes estimating the effort required to complete user stories, sizing them appropriately, seeking clarifications on requirements from the Product Owner, splitting larger stories into smaller, more manageable tasks, and identifying any potential risks associated with the items. The focus of PBR is on making sure that the backlog items are well understood, properly sized, and ready for the team to tackle in upcoming Sprints, which aligns perfectly with the activities outlined in the chosen answer. This collaborative effort helps ensure that the team is not only prepared but also aligned in their understanding of the work ahead, ultimately contributing to improved efficiency and effectiveness in delivering value to stakeholders.

Take detailed meeting notes


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